Don't Let Your Campfire Become A Wildfire
From National Fire Prevention Team For The Tonto And Coconino National Forests (Phoenix Interagency Fire Center )
Campfires should always be attended by a responsible adult.
Only burn locally purchased firewood.
Firewood collection is prohibited on parts of the forests. Check with local Forest Service offices regarding restrictions.
Keep your campfire to a manageable size.
Burn the wood completely to ash.
When extinguishing your campfire, drown with water, stir the ashes and feel for heat. Repeat as many times as need to ensure your fire is out cold!
Remember if it's too hot to touch it's too hot to leave.
Be a good visitor and leave your campsite in better condition than you found it.
Make sure you pack out your trash and leave a clean site for the next visitors.
Remember, as Smokey reminds us again, "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires"
For more information visit our websites at or
#SmokeyBear, #TontoNF, #CoconinoNF, #FirePrevention, #MemorialDay, #OnlyYou
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