'Gear Up' - Summertime Is Outdoor Time
Every summer we pack up the grandkids and head for the hills for a week or so of hiking and outdoor fun. I've been going camping, hunting, and fishing since I was a kid so I have a lot of experience with various kinds of camping gear.
When my dad and my brother and I went camping way back in the day, all our gear was U.S. Army surplus. This meant everything for cooking was metal and weighed a ton, our tents were olive drab canvas and weighed a ton, our packs were olive drab canvas and weighed a ton - you get the picture.
These days, campers, RV'ers, hunters, and hikers and preppers have a lot of great stuff to choose from. Here are a few I really like.
My latest big purchase is a BioLite stove, kettle, and grill. This sweet setup not only burns wood as cleanly as gas, it will also run on twigs, pine cones, wood pellets - pretty much anything combustible. Not only that, it generates power while it cooks. On the side is a usb port so you can charge your phone or power the little light you can buy with the stove. I got mine free in a special package deal they are running.
What's even better about BioLite is that the company is on a mission to bri
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