Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Missing Person

Grand Canyon National Park Requests Your Assistance In Locating This Person

Subject: Joshua K. Tourjee

Physical Description

Age: 34

Height: 5’11’’

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Last seen near river mile 137 wearing a lime colored short sleeve shirt and dark colored shorts with a dark colored inflatable pool toy, possibly a swan.

If you have any information regarding this individual

Please Contact NPS Dispatch (928) 638-7805

Missing River Guide on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon, Ariz.* – On Monday, September 12 the National Park Service received a satellite phone call from a commercial river trip reporting a missing guide near River Mile 137 also known as Pancho’s Kitchen.

Joshua Tourjee of Moab, UT was reported missing by a member of the river trip after failing to return to camp the previous evening. Tourjee is described as a 34 year old male, 5’11”, 170 lbs, brown hair and hazel eyes.

Tourjee was last seen wearing lime colored short sleeve shirt and dark colored shorts with an inflatable pool raft, possibly in the shape of a black swan. Tourjee is working as a guide for OARS.

Due to high winds the National Park Service has been unable to transport searchers into the Canyon. Weather conditions dependent, search crews will be flown into the Canyon first thing Tuesday morning.

The National Park Service is currently conducting a Search and Rescue operation. A missing persons investigation is on-going. No further information is available at this time. Any individual with information on

the location of Joshua Tourjee should contact National Park Service at 928-638-7805.


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