Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Yuma To Host 2016 World Championship Dove Cook-Off

Public Invited To Participate

YUMA, Ariz. - On Saturday, September 3, the 1st Annual World Championship Dove Cook-Off will take place at Yuma Civic Center.

Coinciding with the opening week of the early dove hunt season (Sept. 1-15), the Cook-Off will pit chefs of all skill levels in a competition to see who can create the best dove dish within the allotted time.

"This will be an exciting event," says Richard Sprague, owner of Sprague's Sports in Yuma. "Yuma is the premier dove hunting destination, so having a culinary element this season adds to the already exceptional line-up of hunting-related activities taking place that first weekend of September."

In addition to the contest itself, a series of live cooking demonstrations will start at noon, offering attendees plenty of tips and tricks for prepping, cooking, and serving the season's catch.

"Dove hunting season is huge for Yuma area businesses," says Linda Morgan, Executive Director of Yuma Visitors Bureau. "Sportsmen and women from all over the world come to Yuma for our exceptional hunting conditions and the friendly hospitality. The Cook-Off is yet another event that will certainly have visitors coming back, year after year."

Anybody interested in participating in the Cook-Off should visit YumaDoveHunting.com (http://yumadovehunting.com/) for entry guidelines, contest rules, and restrictions. Registration may be completed online at VisitYuma.com (http://www.visityuma.com/1st-annual-world-championship-dove-cook-off.html) . Cost is $50 per team of two, and there is no charge to spectate. Judging begins at 3 p.m.

The 1st Annual World Championship Dove Cook-Off is a cooperative effort by Sprague's Sports, Arizona Game & Fish Department, Yuma Civic Center, the Arizona Western College culinary arts program, and Yuma Visitors Bureau. Businesses interested in event sponsorship should contact Linda Morgan at 928-376-0100 for information.

More details on dove hunting in Yuma can be found at YumaDoveHunting.com (http://yumadovehunting.com/) , AZGFD.com (https://www.azgfd.com/) , and VisitYuma.com (http://www.visityuma.com/) .



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