Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Do You Shop At Fry's Food Stores?

Did you know that you can earn donations for Lost Our Home Pet Rescue by shopping at Fry's Food Stores? By designating Lost Our Home Pet Rescue as the organization you'd like to support, Fry's will donate to the shelter every time you shop and use your VIP card.

Re-enrollment is done annually starting on August 1st. If you were a part of the program before August 1st, please re-enroll by following the steps below!

To Enroll in Fry's Community Rewards Program

1. Get your VIP Card at your local Fry's store!

2. Go to the Fry's Community Rewards page at https://www.frysfood.com/topic/new-community-rewards-program

3. Click Enroll Now

4. Enter your Fry's VIP card information

5. Select Lost Our Home Pet Foundation or enter our organization number:


6. Shop - Save - Help pets!


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