Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Lake Havasu - Motorsports Enthusiasts Gearing Up For Sand-Water-RV Expo

Lake Havasu has deservedly earned a reputation as a mecca for outdoor motorsports enthusiasts. Because of the weather and the immediate proximity to both water and desert, locals rotate between boats, off-roading and RVing with the change of each season.

Expo History

Five years ago, the "Sand - Water - RV Expo" first appeared on the Havasu scene at Lake Havasu State Park, Windsor 4, looking to fill a niche that wasn't being addressed. Bob Brown, Havasu Boat Show producer, decided to combine all three motorsports passions into a stand-alone fall special event. "It seemed pretty obvious that boating, off-roading and RVing attract a common demographic," commented Brown. "If people can afford doing all three, they will."

Now, five years later, the Sand-Water-RV Expo has matured into one of the premier motorsports shows in the southwest with over 100 exhibitors signed-up to display their products this coming Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 19-20. According to Brown, "The Expo has developed its own personality to fit the Havasu and Colorado River audiences. Our diversity of product for the coming November Expo is the best it's ever been.

Boats And Beyond

"I'm confident that people coming to the Expo will be pleased by what they see, everything from the newest 2017 model side by sides and custom sand cars to lots of trick accessories and the latest aftermarket gear. And you can't have a show like this in Lake Havasu without boats, so many of the top marine dealers and manufacturers from Arizona, California and Nevada will be present, anxious to make great deals before the end of the year."

Making the Expo even better in 2016 is the recent renovation and expansion of the Windsor 4 special event area with a brand new seven-lane launch ramp and additional parking lot.  "We have plenty of room to expand the Expo and accommodate more RVs, off-road vehicles and boats than ever before," said Brown.

New Dimensions

"We're also adding a new dimension to the Expo this year which all guests should enjoy - boats in-water at the demo dock ready to take prospective customers for a ride before they make a final buying decision. We should have a nice mix of demo boats ranging from pontoons, to wakesport boats to performance sportboats and deckboats."

As bonus attractions for 2016, the Sand - Water - RV Expo will also be the host venue for the 4th Annual "FAB 50" Hot Boat" Show & Shine" featuring classic restored flatbottoms, hydros and jets from yesteryear on Saturday plus a separate "Hot Lot" area where privately owned off-road vehicles, boats, RVs, trailers, motorcycles and personal watercraft are for sale.

Also On Tap

Also on tap for Saturday evening is the Expo "Rock-It" After-Party sponsored by KJJJ radio starting at 5:00 p.m. on the Windsor 4 greenbelt with live music by CrossCutt, catered BBQ food favorites by Pirates Den Resort, a cocktail bar and beer garden.  Visitors with their paid admission ticket on Saturday to the Expo automatically receive free admittance to the after-party. Walk-ups that evening without tickets pay a nominal $3 cover charge for the After-Party that also includes a free admission pass to the Expo on Sunday.  

And, for Expo attendees of all ages, don't forget the Havasu Fall Classic Cornhole Tournament with classes for adults, seniors and juniors with over $500 in prize money on the line for winners sponsored by Black Bear Diners. If you know how to toss the bags, you ought to enter and show us your skills; you might go home with some cash.

More Details

The Sand - Water - RV Expo will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 19 and on Sunday, Nov. 20 from 9 p.m. to 3 p.m.  Adult admission is only $3.00, children 6 and under are free and on-site parking is also free.  Food, beverage and beer garden concessions are on-site; dogs are okay on a leash.  The Lake Havasu State Park, Windsor 4 venue is located on London Bridge Road approximately one-half mile north of the London Bridge directly behind the Hampton Inn.

For additional information and the latest updates on Expo exhibitors and special attractions/entertainment, please visit http://www.sandandwaterexpo.com or email info@sandandwaterexpo.com.


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