Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

What Is 'I Support Wildlife'?

I Support Wildlife™ bridges the widening gap between wildlife facing new threats and a sharp increase in the cost of conservation. A one-year membership lets you explore Arizona's unique natural heritage while taking action to preserve our wildlife legacy for the future.

What Does An I Support Wildlife™ Membership Give You?

• Access to the new "premium" version of the Recreational Access Arizona (RAA) online mapping application. The premium RAA mapping application is a significant upgrade over the free version and is a tremendous tool whether you are planning a hunt, documenting your favorite camping spots or birding areas, or just exploring Arizona. It works on most mobile devices (with an active cell service) and lets you see your current location in reference to different data layers, including Game Management Units, wildlife waters, Arizona land ownership, an ESRI USA Topographic (USGS 24k Topo) basemap and more. Even better, the premium mapping application allows you to create your own point locations and automatically save and sync that data to all of your devices. This has many more features than the free version.

• One-year subscription to Arizona Wildlife Views magazine. This award-winning, bi-monthly magazine is loaded with spectacular photos and compelling stories about wildlife and outdoor recreation.

• Up-to-date fish stocking reports. Ready to head out to your next angling adventure? These reports will give you the latest information on where fish are being stocked in Arizona.

• I Support Wildlife™ window decal. Show everyone that you are a supporter of Arizona's wildlife.

Best of all, your $25 annual membership helps support wildlife conservation efforts in Arizona.

How Do I Join I Support Wildlife™?

In order to purchase an "I Support Wildlife" membership, you need to have or create a free Arizona Game And Fish Department Customer Portal account with all of the required fields (those with an asterisk) filled out. Once you have created your Portal account, click "Join Now" on this page and follow the prompts.

What Challenge Does I Support Wildlife™ Help Meet?

What is the Problem? Arizona is home to more than 800 wildlife species, from Gambel's quail to bighorn sheep. But their natural habitats - which stretch across 50 million acres of public land - are increasingly at risk. A rapidly changing world presents a host of threats to wildlife: Expanding cities, competing uses for open space and increasing demands for a limited water supply all play a role in this.

It is the job of the Arizona Game And Fish Department to protect, restore and preserve these species and the places where they live. But no Arizona tax dollars go to support this mission. Instead, the sales of hunting and fishing licenses are the primary source of funding. However, these funds are not keeping pace with the cost of wildlife management, leaving our native animals vulnerable at a critical time.

You Are The Solution!

Arizona's diverse wildlife need help now to grow and thrive. We need to expand the community of people just like you who are committed to preserving our state's natural heritage.

Say "I Support Wildlife" today! Your $25 membership will help ensure that future generations of Arizonans can enjoy our state's wildlife and the habitats on which they depend.

(All sales are final.)



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