This Powerful Storm Is Predicted To Be Bigger, Better Than Ever
It's with thanks to the multiyear returning main sponsors Shugrue's Family of Fine Restaurants, Spectre Powerboats, the Lake Havasu Convention and Visitors Bureau, DCB Performance Boats and Teague Custom Marine that we are able to bring you a bigger, better Desert Storm for 2017.
Along with the return of all that you love about this, the largest performance-boating event in the West, we have a new date, May 2-6 for the 18th annual running. Also new is the move of the Desert Storm headquarters and our Power in the Park Powersports Festival to Windsor Beach at the Arizona State Park to better serve you.
Power In The Park
Participant check in and registration will again be at the VIP tent at the Sunrise Rotary Street Party on Thursday, May 4. This will be at the VIP tent on Springberg/McAndrew Park on McCulloch Blvd, and free participant parking is there. Sponsor and vendor opportunities still exist for that venue and the giant, free festival - Power in the Park.
Email for sponsorship and vendor information.
The newly renovated Windsor Beach (known as the home of the Lake Havasu Boat Show) is located on London Bridge Road and fronts on the north end of the Bridgewater Channel where an imported sand beach is available for participant boats. This park affords prime viewing of the KNTR Parade of Power as the boats cruise past Friday morning on their way to the start of the Poker run. The vehicle parking for participants' rigs and spectators alike at this venue is unparalleled in Havasu - and it's free!
Brand New Boat-Launch Ramp
Thanks to Arizona State Parks, the Desert Storm participants will now have the use of Windsor Parks brand new boat-launch ramp included in their registration. This features six 15-foot-wide launch lanes leading to over 10,000 square feet of ramp underwater especially made for big boats.
Saturday will feature the DCB Racing-sponsored Shootout high speed runs on our two-mile-long course off Site Six. Last year the King of the Desert set a speed record of 187 mph in a 50-foot-long, twin-turbine-powered boat!
Action Heats Up
Meanwhile, the action at Power in the Park heats up both Friday and Saturday with the Big O Burnout Contest, CarQuest Hot Hundred car show, Flying X & KJJJ Stage Shows, Quality Inn PWC freestyle show, Nitro Cackle Cars, GN boat race and more - and it is all free to spectators due to all of our great sponsors; please visit them via our Web page links!
Saturday At Shurgrue's
For our participants, a 5,000-square-foot tent at Windsor Beach serves as VIP headquarters for the event with Friday's card turn-in beach party and the Saturday Shugrue's banquet and awards presentation.
And remember, you don't need a super boat to have a super time at the Spectre Powerboats Desert Storm presented by Shugrue's Family of Fine Restaurants.
Go to and enter now.
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