Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Lake Havasu, AZ - DesertStorm And LakeRacer Making Changes

Jim Nichols


LakeRacer LLC

Press Release

May 30, 2017 03:00 PM

On behalf of LakeRacer LLC and all of the staff and volunteers of the recent Desert Storm Poker Run, we hope you had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend. Let us not forget the men and women, past and present, who have sacrificed so much to protect our freedom. During Desert Storm this year we got to do a small part in honoring our warriors, I want to thank each one of our extended boating family who gave rides and donations benefitting our troops and the Lake Havasu Community.

During the last month, we've had a large amount of review and discussion with family and friends, participants and sponsors about the recent event and the future of Desert Storm. Most suggestions involved returning the event to a more private, participant focused event, removing the "Power in the Park" venue. My partner, Jim Russell and I are in agreement that the "experiment", while successful in many ways, did not get the traction with the public and draw the crowds it was intended to.

I have also been approached by multiple entities interested in purchasing both Desert Storm and Monster Bash, planning changes that they feel would ensure continuation of the events. Recent increased demands from my employer, due to a new role I accepted last year, have also emphasized change is needed.

Ultimately, after much consideration, I have decided to step back from an active role and transition event management to a new organization. Phantom Productions LLC, while a new firm, you will recognize its managing partners, Jim Nichols Jr and Christina Crane.

Both Jimmy and Christina have been involved in my events for many years and in many positions. They have not always agreed with the directions I have taken, but they have always had our common goal, for Desert Storm and Monster Bash to provide the close comradery and connection with our participants that made the events special from their conception.

I will act as a silent partner, consultant and staff, where ever necessary, they are the new operational directors and responsible for all activities of the events. They bring a fresh younger perspective and I think will ensure the Desert Storm and Monster Bash events longevity. Please contact them for all information and questions about future events.

I want to take this opportunity to thank every one of my past sponsors, volunteers, key staff members and especially my family for all the years of support. My partner, Jim Russell has made the last three years much more fun and eventful, actually delaying this step because of the new excitement he brought to the event.

I hope all of you will throw your support, enthusiasm and suggestions behind Jimmy and Christina as they take on this often thankless task and a focus of all of our performance boating passion.


James "Jimmy" Nichols                     Christina Crane

602-739-4739                                                   623-238-1330

James@stormpokerruns.com           Christina@stormpokerruns.com

Information and schedules will be published at http://www.DesertStorm.info and http://www.LakeRacer.com as the transition is completed and event dates are finalized.


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