Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Arizona - Local Sportsmen's Groups Awarded Almost $70,000 In Grants

AZGFD invests in retention programs for new hunters, anglers.

The Arizona Game And Fish Department has awarded $68,357 in grant funding for local sportsmen's organizations to provide public, hands-on, mentored projects focused on the retention of new hunters and anglers.

Of 20 proposals submitted in this latest grant cycle, 18 were rated by a three-member panel. The grants were approved and awarded through a competitive application process that closed July 30.

"We continue to hone the Local Sportsmen's Group grant program using the latest science for developing - and, more importantly - retaining new hunters," said Doug Burt, hunting and shooting sports program manager. "It's only through the network of dedicated groups who do the boots-on-the-ground work of sharing the knowledge, skills and passion of ethical, legal hunting and fishing to assure the next generation of conservationist."

The department is committed to developing and retaining the next generation of hunter-angler conservationists. A growing body of science points to the need for multiple experiences, social support and the mentoring required to develop hunter-angler conservationists. The 18 projects approved meet those objectives.

"While we provide this critical funding to groups, it represents only a fraction of the events and programs that are open each year to the public interested in learning about the great outdoors," Burt said.

The following projects have been awarded:

• Arizona Deer Association, "ADA Unit 23 Youth Deer / Cow Elk Camp," awarded $5,000.

• Arizona Elk Society, "AES Junior Elk Camp Units 6A/5BS," awarded $3,900.

• Arizona Predator Callers, "37B Small Game and Youth Javelina Camp APC, awarded $6,500.

• Ben Avery Clay Busters, "Upland Bird Hunting for Women and Youth," awarded $2,622.

• Christian Hunters of America, "CHA Mentored Javelina Hunt," awarded $5,800.

• Mule Deer Foundation, "Unit 22/23 MDF Youth Deer Camp," awarded $3,000.

• Mule Deer Foundation, "Unit 17B-20A Prescott MDF Youth Deer Camp," awarded $3,000.

• Mule Deer Foundation, "Unit 34A MDF Youth Deer Camp," awarded $3,000.

• Mule Deer Foundation, "Unit 42 MDF Youth Deer Camp," awarded $3,000.

• Mule Deer Foundation, "Unit 21 MDF Youth Deer Camp," awarded $2,000.

• Mule Deer Foundation, "Unit 8 MDF Youth Deer Camp," awarded $2,500.

• Southern Arizona Quail Forever, "Southern Arizona Quail Forever Youth Quail Camp," awarded $3,590.

• Southwest Fur Harvesters, "SWFH November Youth Trappers Education and Camp," awarded $4,470.

• Youth Outdoors Unlimited, "Wallow Fire Turkey Science and Hunting Camp Unit 1 and Unit 27," awarded $6,575.

• Youth Outdoors Unlimited, "Junior Javelina, Small Game and Predator Camp Unit 20C, Unit 18B and Unit 16A," awarded $3,900.

• Youth Outdoors Unlimited, "Youth Deer, Javelina and Small Game Camp in Unit 18B, Unit 20C and Unit 17B," awarded $2,500.

• Youth Outdoors Unlimited, "Unit 1 Squirrel Camp," awarded $2,000.

• Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club, "Youth Small Game Camp," awarded $5,000.

To learn more about the annual Local Sportsmen's Group grant program, visit http://www.azgfd.gov/LSG. For a listing of Outdoor Skills Network recruitment and retention events, visit http://www.azgfd.gov/outdoorskills.

There is no cost to Arizona taxpayers for the Local Sportsmen's Group grant program. The program is funded through the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, hunt permit-tags and stamps, and is an investment in the continuance of wildlife conservation efforts and outdoor recreation participation in Arizona. Game and Fish does not receive any of the state's general funds and operates on a user-pay, public-benefit model.


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