Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Washington - Variety Of Outdoor Adventures On Tap During The Holiday Season

Despite the winter chill, Washingtonians have plenty of reaso0ns to head outdoors during the holidays. Seasonal fisheries are underway throughout the state, waterfowl hunting is in full swing and birders are gearing up for some prime viewing opportunities.

Those planning to spend time outdoors between holiday shopping can enjoy:

Steelhead fishing: Fisheries for hatchery steelhead are up and running, drawing stalwart anglers to rivers on both sides of the Cascades.

Goose and duck hunting: Success rates are increasing as more northern birds move into Washington.

Trout fishing: Anglers continue to reel in trout from numerous lakes throughout the state.

Puget Sound crabbing: Several areas of Puget Sound remain open for Dungeness crab fishing.

Wildlife viewing: Audubon Society chapters around the state are preparing for the annual Christmas Bird Count, which takes flight this month. For more information, visit the Audubon website at http://www.audubon.org/.

For more information about fishing, hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities available this month, see the Weekender Regional Reports posted on WDFW's website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/weekender/. These reports are updated throughout the month to provide current information about recreational opportunities around the state.


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