Boating-Safety Is For All Seasons
The cover photo from the National Safe Boating Congress (NSBC) reminds us that although boating safety is stressed during National Safe-Boating Week, May 19-May 25, it must be a priority all year 'round.
All of the organizations that stress safety on the water emphasize the importance of wearing life jackets. Far too many accidents, with injuries and fatalities, have happened to even good swimmers who were not wearing pfds.
Although it may be tempting to not wear a life jacket - for reasons that pale in comparison to the reasons for wearing one - they may be the very reason that you or loved ones are saved from tragic outcomes.
Bottom line: Make this a habit -just wear it!
FISHING - Arizona Has A New Lake
John Anderson and Matt Shura are shown with some Hidden Lake lunkers caught in this new Arizona private-pay lake near Buckeye.
SHOOTING SPORTS - New Attendance Record Set
Over 400 student archers competed in the 2018 Arizona's National Archery in the Schools program state tournament, the largest in 11 years.
Cinco de Mayo: May 5 - In some circles this is known as Cinco de Margie.
Grand Canyon Celebrates 100 - The 2019 Centennial commemorates 100 years of Grand Canyon's designation as a national park. To prepare for the next century of stewardship, the 2019 Centennial will commemorate the past and inspire future generations to experience, connect with, and protect Grand Canyon's unique resources.
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