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Grand Canyon National Park Suppressing Three Fires On North Rim

Grand Canyon, AZ- Recent monsoonal activity in the region resulted in an several new lightning ignited fires on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park over the past several days. Grand canyon national park suppressing three fires on north rim. Fire crews are actively working to suppress three fires within Grand Canyon National Park.

Saffron Fire

The Saffron Fire, located between Fire Point and Swamp Point is being directly suppressed. Fire crews are working to contain the fire at the smallest possible size by digging handline around the fire's perimeter. This fire started in the southwest corner of the North Kaibab Ranger District late last week and is now burning within Grand Canyon National Park. It is currently estimated to be 30 acres and backing and flanking in ponderosa pine forest.

Atoko Fire

Fire crews are also directly suppressing the Atoko Fire, detected on July 22nd, on the east side of Cape Royal Road, near Atoko Point. Approximately 20 acres in size, current fire behavior is creeping and smoldering within ponderosa pine and brush fuels.

Obi Fire

The Obi Fire was detected on July 21st and is located in the far southwest corner of the Wahalla Plateau above Obi Point. It is approximately 40 acres in size and burning in ponderosa pine and brush. Fire managers plan to confine and contain the Obi Fire to a defined planning area while providing for point protection of identified sensitive natural and cultural resources.

The Imperial Fire, located along the Cape Royal Road near Vista Encantada, has been contained at 1.5 acres.

Smoke is visible from both the North and South Rims of the park. At this time there are no road closures, individuals driving along Cape Royal Road should be aware of fire crews working in the vicinity. Motorist should turn on their headlights and slow down for emergency response vehicles.

Grand Canyon National Park is receiving interagency support with a Type 2IA handcrew, local resources from the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Organization, and from the South Rim of the park.

Each fire start is evaluated by fire management officials for the most appropriate management strategy. Firefighter safety, resources at risk, location of the fire, available resources, regional and national preparedness levels, and weather forecast are taken into consideration when responding to a wildfire ignition.

Please visit https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/management/firemanagement.htm for additional information about wildland fire at Grand Canyon National Park. To learn more about current fires in the region and across the country, visit http://www.inciweb.nwcg.gov .

Please visit http://www.westernoutdoortimes.com/search/grand_canyon for more Western Outdoor Times stories about the Grand Canyon.


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