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AZGFD Dedicated Funding Source For Outreach, Education And Public Awareness

Dedicated funding source for outreach, education and public awareness subject of webcast Aug. 9

PHOENIX — The Arizona Game And Fish Department will webcast a presentation outlining the need to establish a dedicated funding source for outreach, education and public awareness.

The webcast, scheduled for 6 p.m. Aug. 9, will open a 30-day public input period that ends Sept. 8. The webcast will be recorded and made available throughout the public input period.

Draft alternatives, based on this public input, vetting and benchmarking, will be presented to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission during its public meeting Sept. 21 at the Navajo County Heber Complex, 2188 W. Country Club Drive, in Overgaard.

All ideas can be submitted by email through Sept. 8 at: ideas@azgfd.gov. More details about the webcast soon will be posted on the department’s website (www.azgfd.gov) and through its social media channels.


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