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AZGFD Seeks Public Input On Dedicated-Funding Source

For Outreach, Education And Public Awareness

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is still seeking ideas for establishing and maintaining a discretionary, dedicated funding source for outreach, education and public awareness efforts.

To view ideas received to date, or to submit ideas throughout the 30-day public input period that ends Sept. 8, visit https://www.azgfd.com/agency/dedicated-funding-source/. Ideas also can be emailed to: ideas@azgfd.gov.

Alternatives To Be Presented

Draft funding alternatives, based on this public input, vetting and benchmarking, will be presented to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission during its public meeting Sept. 21 at the Navajo County Heber Complex, 2188 W. Country Club Drive, in Overgaard.

Additional Opportunities

There will be an additional opportunity for the public to provide input on select alternatives, based on Commission direction. AZGFD will host a public forum and webcast at 6 p.m. Oct. 10 at department headquarters (Quail Room), 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix.

The public will be able to ask questions or provide comments in person during the forum in the Quail Room, or by email from their smartphone or other device. The webcast also can be viewed at any AZGFD regional office, where the public also can submit their questions or comments via email.

The forum will kick off another 30-day comment period that ends Nov. 8. AZGFD then will present potential funding option(s) to the Commission at its public meeting Dec. 7 in Phoenix.

Did You Know?

The Arizona Game and Fish Department conserves and protects Arizona's 800+ wildlife species but receives no Arizona general fund tax dollars. Contribute to our on-the-ground conservation efforts at http://www.AzWildlifeHero.com.


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