WDFW seeks input on fishing regulations for Humptulips River
OLYMPIA – State fish managers are hosting a public meeting Tuesday, April 23, to discuss fishing regulations on the Humptulips River in southwest Washington.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has scheduled the meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. April 23 at the Montesano City Hall. The public can also email comments to GraysHarbor@dfw.wa.gov.
Department staff will discuss reinstating the use of selective gear rules for all gamefish fisheries in sections of the Humptulips River during the month of March. Under selective gear rules, anglers are required to use only unscented artificial flies or lures with a single-point, barbless hook. The use of bait would be prohibited.
The department removed the selective gear requirement in areas of the Humptulips River in 2018 as part of a process to simplify sportfishing rules. As a result of that effort, fishery managers aligned rules with the lower section of the river, where selective gear rules were not in place.
WDFW is considering this change at the request of several sportfishing groups, said Annette Hoffmann, regional fish program manager for the department.
“They want us to take this step as an extra precaution to protect wild steelhead during a time when the fish are preparing to spawn in the river,” Hoffmann said. “We want to make sure this change has the support of the wider angling community.”
WDFW is considering reinstituting the use of selective gear rules in the following areas of the Humptulips River:
From the Highway 101 Bridge to the confluence of the East and West Forks.
On the West Fork from the mouth to Donkey Creek.
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