Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Freedom-Defining Election Day

November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020 will be a day you and I remember for the rest of our lives – a freedom-defining Election Day when our gun rights will be at stake like never before.

If we win this battle, it will be a victory we can celebrate for years and even decades to come.

But if we lose, you and I will remember November 3, 2020 as the day our Second Amendment freedoms were wiped out FOREVER.

This is the biggest battle we’ve ever faced.

Nancy Pelosi and an angry mob of gun-ban politicians have already taken control of the U.S. House – and we’re now facing the first wave of their anti-gun legislative barrage.

The media is bombarding the American people – on their TVs, radios, computers, and even their phones – with nonstop anti-gun lies and anti-NRA attacks.

And Michael Bloomberg’s gun-ban army is marching toward 2020, funded by his $500 million pledge – and determined to win the White House, the Senate, and gain total control of the levers of power in Washington.

Make no mistake. The danger is real and victory is within their reach.

By winning just four more seats in the U.S. Senate, the gun-banners can make Senator Charles Schumer the Senate Majority Leader and extremist anti-gun Senator Dianne Feinstein the leader of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

And by flipping just one or two states in the Electoral College – states that President Trump won by the slimmest of margins in 2016 – the gun-banners can install the most anti-gun President in American history.

Think about that for just a moment. The outcome of just 5 races on Election Day 2020 – four in the Senate and one for the White House – could decide the fate of your Second Amendment rights FOREVER.

Because once the gun-banners have the power to destroy our freedom, there will be no going back.

Once national gun registration is the law of the land, it will NEVER be overturned.

Once national gun owner licensing is passed into law, you will NEVER again have the right to buy a firearm without the written permission of the federal government.

And once semi-auto bans and gun confiscation go into effect, it will only be a matter of time before you hear that knock on your door.

Mark my words. EVERYTHING we’ve ever fought for will be at stake and at risk on Election Day 2020. And if you and I wait until next year – or even next month – to start running a full-throttle campaign, it will be too late.

That’s why I need you to make an immediate contribution to NRA-PVF right now.

Whether you give $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even more, there is no other contribution you can make this year that will have a more powerful impact on the future of your gun rights and your freedom.

Only with your strong NRA-PVF support right now can we provide CRITICAL EARLY CAMPAIGN ASSISTANCE to our key allies and start building THE MASSIVE GRASSROOTS OPERATION we must have to save our freedom on November 3, 2020.

You and I both know modern elections aren’t decided in the last week or even the last month of a campaign.

In today’s political battlefield, victory requires a multi-year effort and every day counts.

The fact is, some of our strongest allies in Congress are already asking us for immediate financial support so they can get their 2020 campaign offices up and running.

And Bloomberg has an army of political operatives who are working seven days a week RIGHT NOW to map out their 2020 election strategy.

They’re analyzing voting patterns all the way down to the precinct level to figure out how they can win four Senate seats and take back the White House.

If we don’t match them stride-for-stride – if we don’t start working TODAY to build a massive grassroots campaign operation in every targeted district and every battleground state – we’re setting ourselves up for a certain defeat in 2020.

Saving our guns is up to you and me. No one else can or will do it.

And this is the biggest challenge we’ve ever faced – a campaign where the heart and soul of American freedom will be on the ballot and where our gun-ban opponents are stronger and more dangerous than we’ve ever seen.

It’s going to be a long, hard, brutal fight.

It’s going to take our 100% commitment each and every day.


Chris W. Cox



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