PRESCOTT, Ariz. — The next meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission will be Friday, May 10, at the Prescott Resort & Conference Center, Granite Mountain Conference Room, 1500 AZ-69, Prescott. The meeting begins at 8 a.m.
The meeting can be attended in person or viewed at The meeting also can be viewed from any of the department’s regional offices statewide on streaming video. Those who wish to speak to the commission may submit “speaker cards” (blue cards) in person at the meeting or from a regional office. The ability to speak to the commission is not available for those viewing the webcast.
Among the Friday, May 10 agenda items are:
Briefing on a Memorandum of Understanding with the Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge for conservation and management activities in Arizona for pronghorn and other wildlife species (consent agenda item).
Consideration of a License Agreement with AT&T for the purpose of accessing, constructing and maintaining a cell tower structure type: Monocactus, electric power lines, appurtenances and electrical services across a state-owned facility in Maricopa County, for the purpose of providing emergency broadcasting services and additional electrical services at the Usery Mountain Shooting Range (consent agenda item).
A briefing on the status of state and federal legislation related to the department’s mission.
An update on the department’s efforts toward accomplishing commission priorities, including a presentation regarding maximizing officer field time.
An update on department activities and involvement with resource management planning and other major actions on federal lands in Arizona.
A briefing on Research Branch activities and projects.
A briefing on the department’s projects and findings for the Northern Mexican gartersnake within the Bill Williams watershed.
Request to approve the introduction of tiger muskellunge to the state of Arizona to provide a featured species opportunity for recreational fishing, and request for approval of an amendment to Commission Order 40, which would include establishment of a catch-and-release only designation on tiger musky at Horsethief Basin Lake for the calendar year 2019-20.
Announcement of 2019 Heritage Grant award recipients.
Hearings on license revocations for violations of Game and Fish codes, and civil assessments for the illegal taking and/or possession of wildlife (time certain at 10 a.m.).
Request for approval of the introduction of barramundi to the state of Arizona to provide for the development of new private entrepreneurial enterprise.
Request for approval of a Notice of Final Rulemaking and Economic Impact Statement adopting a new Article 10 and rules, addressing off-highway vehicles.
Request for approval of a Notice of Final Rulemaking and Economic Impact Statement amending R12-4-102 (license, permit, stamp, and tag fees), R12-4-106 (special licenses licensing timeframes), and R12-4-204 (taxidermy registration; register implementing House Bill 2404 taxidermy; registry).
Request for commission approval of five shooting range development grant applications.
First read items to include: Gillette Ranch Conservation Easement Acquisition; a Memorandum of Understanding on Virgin River Coalition; and FY 2021 proposed budget & FY 2020 modification.
On Saturday, May 11, the commission will participate in an informal workshop with department staff to discuss various items, including finalization of commission priorities and associated metrics, special big game license tag process, new/increased revenue generation and cost savings, and future meeting days, dates, times and locations. No legal action will be taken. The workshop session is open to the public and will be held beginning at 8 a.m. at Horseshoe Ranch Wildlife Area, 22600 E. Bloody Basin Road, in Mayer, Ariz.
To view a copy of the full meeting agenda, visit and click on the “commission agenda” link.
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is a five-member, policy-setting board that oversees the Arizona Game And Fish Department. For more information about the commission, visit
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