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Arizona Hunting Regulations

Paper Applications For 2019 Fall Hunts Now Being Accepted

Deadline: 7 p.m. (Arizona time), Tuesday, May 14

PHOENIX – The Arizona Game And Fish Department (AZGFD) has posted the 2019-20 Arizona Hunting Regulations online at http://www.azgfd.gov/draw.

The department now is accepting paper applications for 2019 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for deer, fall turkey, fall javelina, bighorn sheep, fall bison and sandhill crane. Note: In a significant change, this will be the first time that applications will be accepted as part of the fall draw process for sandhill crane. There no longer will be a separate application and draw process for the birds during the summer.

All paper applications must be received by 7 p.m. (Arizona time), Tuesday, May 14. Postmarks don't count. The online application service is expected to be available in early to mid-May.

Paper applications can be mailed to: Arizona Game And Fish Department, Attn .: Drawing Section, P.O. Box 74020, Phoenix, AZ 85087-1052, or dropped off at any department office statewide. The printed "2019-20 Arizona Hunting Regulations" booklets are expected to be available in the next week or two at department offices and license dealers statewide.

As a reminder, this will be the last draw in which paper applications will be accepted. AZGFD is moving toward paperless hunt draws. Only online applications will be accepted beginning with the 2020 spring draw, which typically opens in late August or early September. In the meantime, hunters are encouraged to become familiar with the online draw application process.

For more information, call (602) 942-3000.


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