Arizona's Second General Waterfowl Season Continues Into 2020
The general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the "Desert Zone" (Game Management Units 10 and 12B through 46B, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Yavapai County) runs through Jan. 26, 2020.
Meanwhile, the general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the "Mountain Zone" (Game Management Units 1-5, 7, 9, 11M, 12A, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Coconino County) continue through Jan. 12, 2020.
The following are legal wildlife in both Mountain and Desert zones: ducks, including mergansers, coots and common moorhens (gallinules); white geese (snow, blue and Ross'); and dark geese (Canada and white-fronted).
Scaup can be harvested in the Mountain Zone beginning Saturday through Jan. 12, 2020, and in the Desert Zone from Nov. 2 through Jan. 26, 2020.
All waterfowl hunters 10 and older must possess a valid Arizona hunting license, and those 16 and older must also possess a federal migratory bird stamp - like a federal duck stamp.
In addition, waterfowl hunters 18 or older must have a state migratory bird stamp -this stamp is included in the purchase of a youth combination hunt and fish license.
Keep in mind that a combination hunt and fish license is only $20 more - for state residents - than the price of an individual hunting or fishing license.
As a reminder, a youth combination hunt and fish license for ages 10 to 17 is $5 and includes the privileges associated with the state migratory bird stamp.
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