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AZGFD COVID-19 Updates

AZGFD Updates Related To COVID-19

Editor's Note: The following information was applicable as we went to press. For updates, call (602) 942-3000, or email customerservice@azgfd.gov

The Arizona Game And Fish Department (AZGFD) is committed to staying connected with its customers and continuing to provide exceptional service. As updates related to the COVID-19 situation become available, AZGFD will share any new developments or changes to processes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is the Ben Avery Shooting Facility open?

All rifle and pistol ranges, as well as the Clay Target Center, are closed to the public until further notice (this includes clay-target shooters with preloaded Gold Cards). The rifle and pistol ranges are only available for law enforcement officers and user groups.

The archery range is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday on a cash-only basis, however. Archers can deposit their $7 daily fee into a dropbox at the archery range. All public restroom facilities at BASF will remain closed.

Q: Is Arizona's outdoors still open to hunting and fishing?

Absolutely. As always, hunters and anglers must be in possession of a valid Arizona hunting, fishing or combo license. Check with appropriate local municipalities and land-management agencies for any restriction or closure notices of campsites, parks, lakes or boat docks.

Q: Speaking of hunting, is the harvesting of big game for sustenance during this national emergency okay?

No. All license and hunt permit-tag requirements, season dates, legal methods of take and bag limits are to be observed and will be strictly enforced. Poaching is a crime. Any wildlife violations can be reported to the department's Operation Game Thief hotline at (800) 352-0700.

Q: Are fish stockings going to be impacted?

At this time, all waters are expected to receive their full allotment of trout stockings through the season. In addition, AZGFD has begun bi-weekly stockings of channel catfish in the Community Fishing Program waters.

Q: Will the Department continue to offer Hunter Education classroom courses, field days and bonus point field tests?

To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers and staff, many Hunter Education classroom courses, field days and bonus point field tests have been postponed. A limited number of small field days and bonus point field tests that adhere to CDC guidelines may be held, based on volunteer instructor availability.

Should classes become available, they will be posted to the Department's Hunter Education page, and further information will be provided to previously registered students. Visit the Hunter Education page for more information about changes to Hunter Education related to COVID-19.

Q: I am a youth hunter (10 through 13 years old) and need to complete Hunter Education before my spring hunt. What should I do?

To ensure youth ages 10 through 13 who have big game tags for the upcoming spring turkey season are able to participate in that hunt, AZGFD will allow them to defer completion of the required, in-person portion of Hunter Education for up to one year from the online certification date. To be eligible for the deferment, they must meet the following criteria:

1. The youth hunter is 10 through 13 years of age and has completed the AZGFD online Hunter Education course.

2. The youth hunter has a 2020 spring big game hunt tag.

3. The youth hunter will be accompanied by a licensed adult on the hunt.

4. Youth hunters must carry a copy of their online certification (AZ Field Day Qualification Exam Certificate) during the hunt.

Visit the Hunter Education page for more information about changes to Hunter Education related to COVID-19.

Protecting Your Health And Safety

AZGFD is taking the following precautions to protect staff and customers:

AZGFD is encouraging customers to use online services.

AZGFD is encouraging customer use of credit/debit card payment instead of cash.

Utilize online services .

The following products and services are available online 24/7 on AZGFD's website:

Fishing, hunting, and combo licenses (including duplicates), and migratory bird stamps.


Watercraft registration renewals. http://www.azgfd.com/boating/registration/

Off-highway vehicle (OHV) decals. http://www.azgfd.com/OHV/Decals/

The following services must be conducted in-person (by appointment only) or by U.S. mail:

New watercraft registrations.

Watercraft transfers of ownership.

Duplicate watercraft decals and certificates.

Special licenses (crossbow, CHAMP, pioneer).

The following products or services are available at license dealers:

Duplicate hunt permit-tags.

Nonpermit-tags for mountain lion, general spring bear and archery-only spring bear.

Educational Resources From Home

Wildlife viewing is a great way to stay connected to the outdoors. AZGFD offers live-streaming views of great-horned owls, wintering sandhill cranes, nesting bald eagles at Lake Pleasant, endangered desert pupfish, and roosting bats (later in the spring). Live-streaming cameras provide a unique educational activity for all ages, one that parents can share with children at home.

AZGFD has compiled some educational resources to keep the learning process going while schools are closed. In addition to fun wildlife activities for students, there also are lessons and webinars for teachers.

Health Protection Best Practices

For the latest updates on health risk reduction practices, visit azhealth.gov/COVID19

More Questions?

Customers can call the department's main number at (602) 942-3000, or email customerservice@azgfd.gov

Stay Engaged

Keep up with the latest developments by following AZGFD on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Customers also are encouraged to sign up for the department's free e-News service to get the latest information on wildlife conservation, fishing, hunting, off-highway vehicle recreation, boating, shooting sports, wildlife watching and more. Sign up today by visiting http://www.azgfd.gov/signup


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