Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

On The Cover May 2020

Memorial Day Honors The Fallen

First, I want to acknowledge the source of this cover photo. It was one of the winners in Wisconsin's Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary's "Young American Creative Patriotic Art" contest. This contest is held annually by VFW Auxiliaries throughout the nation, including by our local Posts.

It is one several scholarship opportunities for school-aged children and for those interested in continuing education. Information about these VFW Auxiliary contests may be found at https://vfwauxiliary.org/what-we-do/scholarships.

This cover honors those we remember on Memorial Day at the end of this month. The holiday has gone through many changes over the years, some of which are addressed in this month's "Downstream" entry on page 2. The focus overall has been on fallen service men and women although families also remember loved ones who have passed, often visiting cemeteries and decorating grave sites.

It is also a day when many wear the poppies inspired by the poem "In Flanders Fields" by Canadian physician, Lieutenant Colonel John McRae.

Finally, because Memorial Day comes at the end of May, many consider it the unofficial start of summer and its related activities.

We at AZBW/WOT wish you a very safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.


2 DOWNSTREAM - Memorial Day has a powerful history.

4 BOATING - Local boater program allows limited access to Lake Powell.

8 TACKLE & TARGET - This month's featured pro is Johnny Johnson.

11 LAND CRUISING - There are some great gifts for outdoor moms.

14 WESTERN WILDLIFE - It's time to be aware of the rattles!


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