Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Smile Awhile

Editor's Note: Although we certainly recognize the seriousness of COVID-19 and the tragedies that some have faced during the pandemic, we also know that a light touch of humour can sometimes be a relief. Laughter, after all, is very good medicine. That said, here are some of our favorite light-hearted comments that we have received. (Although most can be attributed to sun-gazing.com INFINITY, some are anonymous.)


2019: "Stay away from negative people."

2020: "Stay away from positive people."


"Ran out of toilet paper, so am now using lettuce leaves. Today was just the tip of the iceberg. Tomorrow romaines to be seen."


"I'm kinda starting to understand why pets run out of the house when the front door is opened."


"After all the stupid things I've done in my life, I'm gonna be pissed if I die because I touched my face!"


"So, my husband and I are sitting on the couch watching TV when I suddenly hear that I have a text message on my phone, which is in the kitchen. I go to the kitchen to check it, and it's a text from my husband: 'Bring the chips on your way back'".


"Home schooling went well yesterday. For science class we tested the effects of Nyquil on students."


"It really sucks that the coronavirus hit during allergy season. I can't tell if I have five days to live or just need to take a Claritin."


"They say you can't fix stupid. Turns out they can't quarantine it either."


"Gonna ask my momma if that offer to slap me into next year is still on the table."


"Today's forecast: 'Lazy with a 90% chance of Netflix"


"Spring found us playing a new game: 'Plague or Pollen" (aka 'Explain Your Sneeze').


"My mom always told me that I would accomplish nothing by lying in bed all day. But, look at me now: I'm saving the world!"


Q.”Alexa, what is the weather going to be like this weekend?" A. "Don't worry about it. You ain't goin' anywhere."


"Stepped on my scale this morning and it said: 'Please practice social distancing — one person at a time.'"


"You think it's bad now. In 20 years, our country will be run by people home-schooled by day drinkers!"


"Due to my isolation, I finished three books yesterday. And, believe me, that's a lot of coloring."


"Breaking News: Wearing a mask inside your home is now highly recommended — not so much to prevent COVID-19 but to stop eating."


"People keep asking me, 'Is COVID-19 really that serious?' Listen, y'all: When Heaven and hell agree on something, it's probably pretty serious!" #saferathome


"I've eaten 14 meals and taken 6 naps and it's still Tuesday! Are you kidding me?"


"Day 7 at home, and the dog is looking at me, no doubt saying, 'This is why I chew the furniture.'"


"In case you lost track, today is March 198th."


"I miss the days when we were terrified of Romaine lettuce!"


#Coronavirus has turned us all into dogs. We roam the house all day looking for food. We're told 'no' if we get too close to strangers, and, we get really excited about car rides."


"Does anyone know if we can shower yet? Or, do we just keep on washing our hands?"



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