Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Arizona Hunting Calendar July 2020

For the Fall 2020 Hunt: Tags mailed out by July 31, 2020.

If tags are left over, first come applications accepted by mail on or after 8:00 a.m. July 20, 2020. Available at Game and Fish offices after 8:00 am July 27, 2020 except crane and raptor.

ARIZONA BIG GAME SUPER RAFFLE: If you win, you can hunt AZ big game species for 365 days. Get raffle tickets for elk, antelope, Coues, mule deer, black bear, desert bighorn sheep, buffalo, mountain lion, javelina, turkey. Go to http://www.arizonabiggamesuperraffle.com.Mail Order Entries must be received by July 10, 2020. Online orders accepted through July 12, 2020. Drawing July 22, 2020. Go to the website to see details about the raffle and additional prizes and raffles.

2020-21 Fees:

General Hunting, resident: $37 Non-resident: not available see combination

Combination Hunt and fish, resident: $57 Non-resident: $160

Youth combination hunt and fish (ages 10-17), resident: $5 Non-resident: $5

Short-term combination license, resident: $15/day, Non-resident: $20/day

There are also fees for permit-tags and nonpermit-tags. See the 2020-2021 Hunting Regulations at http://www.azgfd.com for details.

Report Vandalism: 1-800-VANDALS

Report poachers: Operation Game Thief 800-352-0700 rewards for information that results in an arrest.

Be sure to check the hunting regulations carefully before you hunt. Many of the following hunts have notes and legal requirements listed. You must check the regulations. Pick up a paper copy at outdoor stores, Game and Fish offices, or go online at http://www.azgfd.com and click on regulations to download the booklet. “Open areas” have restrictions beyond what is listed here. ALL HUNTS require a valid hunting license or combination license. Hunters under 10 need a license or they must be accompanied by an adult who possesses a valid license.

Falconry-only hunts require a Sport Falconry License. See regulations for daily limits and bag limits. This calendar is for convenience only. You must read and follow the hunting regulations found in the booklets and pamphlets available at http://www.azgfd.com and at retailers where licenses are sold.


Tassel-eared tree squirrel Unit 31: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021(year-round).

Cottontail rabbit: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 (year-round) Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges, and 11M, 25M, 26M, and 38M. Any cottontail.

Cottontail rabbit limited weapon (shotgun shooting shot):year-round. Open areas except National Wildlife Refuges) any cottontail rabbit.

Falconry-only cottontail rabbit: year-round. Open areas except National Wildlife Refuges any cottontail rabbit.


Coyote and skunk: year-round. Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges.

Coyote and skunk Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge: year-round

Coyote and skunk limited weapon (shotgun shooting shot): year-round. Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges.

Pursuit-only predatory and fur-bearing mammals: June 1- July 31 2020 and April 1 – June 30, 2021. Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges.


House sparrow and European starling: year-round. Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges and Units 11M, 25M, 26M, and 38M.

Gunnison’s prairie dog: July 1, 2020 – Mar 31, 20201 Open areas north of the Gila River excluding National Wildlife Refuges, and Units 11M, 25M, 26M, and 38M)

All mammals EXCEPT game mammals, fur-bearing mammals, predatory mammals, bats, coati, black-footedferret, New Mexico jumping mouse, Gunnison’s prairie dog, black-tailed prairie dog, jaguar, jaguarundi, ocelot, otter, porcupine and wolves: year-round. Open areas Statewide (excluding National Wildlife Refuges, Units 11M, 25M, 26M, and 38M)

Limited weapon (shotgun shooting shot) English house sparrows and European starling: year-round. Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges.

Limited weapon (shotgun shooting shot) Gunnison’s prairie dog Unit 11M: year-round.

Limited weapon (shotgun shooting shot) All mammals EXCEPT game mammals, furbearing mammals, predatory mammals, bats, coati, black-footedferret, New Mexico jumping mouse, Gunnison’s prairie dog, black-tailed prairie dog, jaguar, jaguarundi, ocelot, otter, porcupine and wolves: year-round. Open areas statewide except National Wildlife Refuges.

Falconry-only seasons: see regulations.

WATERFOWL AND SNIPE as of June 11, 2020 the 2020 regulations for waterfowl and snipe were not yet available.

BIG GAME HUNTING: see regulations for information on hunts and dates. Big game hunting is by permit only. To see draw odds go to http://www.azgfd.com/Hunting/surveydata/

BEAR You can buy a non-permit tag for bear over the counter. Seasons vary by unit and units close when the quota is reached. You are responsible to call and report kills and also call before hunting to make sure the unit is still open. See regulations for details. Seasons are in Aug – Dec. There are also archery-only non-permit tags and those hunts are in late August through September. There is an annual limit to female bear harvests. See the regulations for info.

Spring bear hunts are during March – May. Archery is May – July. See the spring regulations for details.

Spring bison hunts are in January, April-June, July, and August, depending on unit. See the spring regulations for details.


Archery Turkey

Youth-only turkey


Mountain lion



Archery deer

Bobcat seal (for sale or export)

See the regulations for information on these non-permit tags and prices.


To be put in the hunter pool for population management hunts, fill out the form found in the regulations. You need to re-submit every year.


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