The Western Association Of Fish And Wildlife Agencies honors Strogen and HAHWG.
Arizona's Hunting and Angling Heritage Work Group (HAHWG) and Payson's Jim Strogen were among the conservationists recently honored at theWestern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) virtual awards ceremony.
"The Arizona Game and Fish Commission and Department congratulate these conservation advocates on this well-deserved honor," said Commission Chair Kurt Davis.
"Arizona's WAFWA award recipients are valuable partners in AZGFD's mission to conserve and protect the state's 800+ species of wildlife," said AZGFD Director Ty E. Gray.
The HAHWG is a coalition of stakeholders from the public, private and nonprofit sectors united to conserve Arizona's wildlife and habitats, while preserving hunting and angling traditions. The group, which will celebrate its tenth anniversary next year, provides events, activities and ongoing social support to help participants build their outdoor skillset.
"Since 2011, HAHWG has hosted 495 events, serving more than 8,000 primary participants and 16,000 attendees," said Doug Burt, AZGFD hunting and shooting sports manager. "It has also grown to include more than 60 partner organizations committed to achieving sustainable, scalable results for Arizona's conservation community."
In recent years, the group has embraced data-informed decision-making, streamlined event registration processes, and solicited participant feedback. It has also developed a toolkit of resources and best practices for outdoor skills education.
Strogen: A Lifelong Educator
Strogen, a lifelong educator and passionate outdoor recreationist, draws on his experience in education to promote conservation and outdoor recreation in Rim Country. He teaches after-school fly-tying classes in the Payson Unified School District and works as a fly-fishing instructor for Payson Parks and Recreation.
"One of the great things about Jim is that, in addition to teaching his students fly-fishing skills, he instills in them an appreciation for nature and a desire to be responsible stewards of the environment," said AZGFD Commissioner James Goughnour.
An accomplished angler, Strogen shares his expertise in a regular column on fishing and conservation in the Payson Roundup, "Life on the Fly." He is an active member of the Mogollon Sporting Association and the Arizona Trout Unlimited State Council, and participates in the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Working Group. He also serves as youth education coordinator and conservation chair for the Payson Flycaster's Club and the Gila Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
Strogen has received numerous awards for his contributions to conservation and the community. The Payson Unified School District, for example, named him a Hero of Public Education, and the Arizona Game and Fish Commission recognized Strogen as 2019 Educator of the Year.
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