We Celebrate!
In addition to the thrill of having our Outdoors Editor inducted into the arizona outdoor hall of fame, we feel honored to have both Margie and John Anderson as loyal and valuable contributors to our publications. Of course we honor the other four inductees as well; our Wildlife benefits incredibly from their hard work, dedication, and commitment.
Another reason to celebrate is the annual incredible fireworks display at Pleasant Harbor. We send a warm thank-you to them for honoring our INDEPENDENCE Day with this spectacular show.
On a more serious note, we hold our wild land firefighters in the highest esteem. This is an extremely difficult and painful time for them and for the residents of threatened communities. Please join us in helping through agencies such as the Red Cross (https://www.redcross.org) and the Arizona Game & Fish Department's Water For Wildlife (www.azwildlifehero.com), or another route is this: Text SENDWATER to 41444.
We wish you all a happy and safe Fourth of July, with safety wishes continuing into and beyond the long summer months ahead.
DOWNSTREAM - A variety of events fills July calendar. Page 2
BOATING - AZGFD cautions boaters, OHV users during monsoon. Page 4
TACKLE & TARGET - Daniel Elias is this month's featured "AZ Lakes AZ Pros". Page 8
LAND CRUISING - National Park Service encourages public to "Plan Like a Park Ranger". Page 11
WESTERN WILDLIFE - AZGFD plans to haul nearly 3 million gallons of water to thirsty wildlife. Page 14
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