Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

VFW Auxiliary Scholarship

Do You Know A Student Who Might Be Interested?

Series: Veterans In The News | Story 29

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and VFW Auxiliary offer several scholarships that are available to students in grades 9 through 12.

The Scholarship program is not a new one, but it is so important. In these troubling times of our nation, it is important that we hear from our young people on what they think and how they feel about Patriotism and Americanism which is relayed through essays and art. We need to keep these ideas out there and encourage these students, who represent our future, to stay strong in Americanism and Patriotism ideals so our country does not lose the values of those men who wrote our Constitution.

Our Department President's theme "Honoring Old Glory and Those Who Fight for It" is so fitting for this program. We need to remember what we stand for and honor those who are fighting and have fought to keep those values.

This program encourages Patriotism and Americanism to our students and offers awards to help them in attaining an education of their choosing For the Voice of Democracy, Patriot's Pen and the Young American Creative Patriotic Art contests, contact -

Schools and JROTC Units

Church and/or youth groups

Youth-focused organizations

Home-school associations

Parent-teacher associations

Youth sports teams

Financial Aid offices

Student veteran centers

There are four different scholarships in this program. We have the Voice of Democracy and Patriot Pen essay contests promoted by the VFW, but helped and supported tremendously by the VFW Auxiliary. The Auxiliary itself has two additional scholarships – the Continuing Education Scholarship (not open to the public) and the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest.

Voice Of Democracy

Entry form: https://vfwauxiliaryil.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Voice-of-Democracy-Entry-Form-Fillable.pdf

This is a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay that was established in 1947. The theme for the 2021-2022 Voice of Democracy Audio-Essay Contest is "America: Where Do We Go From Here". This contest is for students in grades 9-12. The students can be in public, parochial, home schools or private schools.

Judging is based on three criteria:

Originality – 30 points

Content – 35 points

Delivery – 35 points


Entries to VFW Post – Midnight October 31

Completion of Post Judging – November 15

Completion of District Judging – December 15

Completion of Department Judging – January 10

Department Winner to VFW National Headquarters – January 15

National Awards:

First Place – $30,000 scholarship

Second Place – $16,000 scholarship

Third Place – $10,000 scholarship

Fourth through 36th Place – $7,000 to $1,500 scholarship

37th – 54th place – $1,000 scholarship

The Department winner will also receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.

Patriot's Pen

Entry form: https://vfwauxiliaryil.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Patriots-Pen-Entry-Form-Fillable-2021-22.pdf

The theme for this year's essay contest is "How Can I Be a Good American". This essay contest is open to all students in public, parochial, home schools or private schools.

Judging is based on 3 criteria:

Knowledge of the Theme – 30 points

Theme Development – 35 points

• Clarity of ideas – 35 points


Entries to Post – Midnight, October 31

Completion of Post Judging – November 15

Completion of District Judging – December 15

Completion of Department Judging – January 10

Department Winner to VFW National Headquarters – January 15

National Awards:

First Place – $5,000

Second Place – $4,000

Third Place – $3,500

Fourth through 54th place – $2,750 to $500

Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest

Entry form: https://vfwauxiliaryil.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/FILLABLE_VFW-Auxiliary-Patriotic-Art-Brochure-and-Application.pdf

This contest is open to all students in grades 9-12, including those who are home schooled, not older than 18 years of age at time of the entry and must be a U.S. citizen or a U.S. National. Artwork must be on canvas or paper. No digital art will be accepted. It is judged on patriotic theme and technique.

One department winner will be forwarded to Auxiliary National Headquarters. Students must attend school in the state of the sponsoring Auxiliary..


Entry received by local Auxiliary – March 31, 2022

Entry received by Department – April 15, 2022

Entry received by National Headquarters – May 5, 2022

National Scholarships

First Place – $15,000

Second Place – $7,500

Third Place – $3,500

Fourth and Fifth Place – $1,500 Sixth through Tenth Place – $500

The National President's Theme is "Soaring Above and Beyond". With a positive attitude and hard work, we can get National Winners in all of these contests.

Even though the Scholarship Program is geared to our youth, we can stress helping our veterans wherever they may be – overseas, at home, in the hospital and in the nursing homes. The peace given to the veterans with visits and just a "Thank you for your service" can go a long way. Teaching these concepts to our youth can bring awareness to the entire community.

For More Local Information

Please contact Carol Allen at editor@azbw.com. Her VFW Auxiliary is with VFW Post 3513: 7220 E Wilshire Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85257


Carol L. Allen, B.A., M.A.

Scholarship Chair


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