Don't Miss Your Chance To Enter
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission annually awards the organization Special Big Game Tags, for seven of the state's big game species - bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn, bison and turkey. Raffle tickets are available for $5 to $25 each, depending on the species, and ticket sales go to on-the-ground conservation.
The deadline to enter the 17th annual Arizona Big Game Super Raffle is Sunday, July 10, at 10 p.m. (Arizona time). There is no limit to the number of raffle tickets that you can order. The names of the winners will be drawn July 20. In the 16-year history of the raffle, more than $9.2 million has been raised for Wildlife and Wildlife management in Arizona. Last year's event generated $765,125.
Every dollar raised for each species through the raffle is returned to the Arizona Game And Fish Department and managed by the Arizona Habitat Partnership Committee for that particular species. With input from local habitat partners across the state and sponsoring organizations involved in the fundraising, project priorities are determined that will provide the most benefit to each species.
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