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ICAST Registration Closes Today

ICAST - Online Registration Closes at Midnight Today - 7/3/23


Online registration closes at midnight, Pacific time on

Monday, July 3.

If you are planning to attend ICAST 2023 and have yet to register for your badge – you only have a few hours left. Online registration is open until midnight, tonight at onsite rates. Pre-registration rates are no longer available.

After midnight, all ICAST registration requests will be onsite at the ICAST Registration Desk in the Orange County Convention Center only. To register onsite, you must bring your ID and business credentials. ICAST is a trade-only show and those who do not meet requirements will not be allowed to enter.

Don't risk missing out. Register online today.

Housing reservations are no longer available through ICAST registration. Please contact the hotel of your choice directly or use your favorite booking site. You can see the ICAST hotels here. Free shuttle service is available at those hotels.

Avoid the onsite lines and register online today.


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