Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

OSN / FAN Meeting Report

Outdoor Skills & Fish AZ Network - aka R3 Warriors!

Wow, where do I start? You all are amazing. Thank you for an incredible, productive, informative, collaborative and engaging experience - again!

By the Numbers:

35 Total Attendees (including AZGFD staff)

18 Unique Organizations (but more, given how many folks wear multiple hats / roles)

10 New / 1st time attendees

4 Food / Drink Sponsors - Wildlife for Tomorrow (lunch & dinner), Arizona Mule Deer Organization (breakfast), Mule Deer Foundation - Rim Country Chapter (social hour) & NWTF / Rich Williams (water)

Sign in sheet and contact information attached for your reference and ongoing networking

Link to meeting materials (Shared Google Drive)


First ever joint Fishing and Hunting Data Reportouts since the development of FishAZ Network - so cool to see both fronts

First ever Trout Unlimited Shared Angling R3 Agreement and Full Time Position - Alec Young is now part of our efforts

First ever look at Hunter Ed student data for telling them about your events (OSN and FishAZ) - coming soon, next step emails to students about events

NWTF 50 Years of conservation and the early adoption to HAHWG & our Partnership Model - very cool story

Highlights of AMDOs pilot "Hunting Skills Camp" - a very neat model and idea, good model of partners

AZ TU / BSA Fish Camp report - a fascinating look at a program that completes the Adoption Sequence

6 People volunteered to help in planning the details needed to execute the Festival we have been talking about for the past couple of years

Updates from everyone in the room on what they are doing, focused on and need help on - (detailed notes to follow) Very engaging.

Actions / Takeaways:

Move forward on Festival, work with new volunteers to work out the details so it's ready to launch - target 2024 late summer / early fall

Keep pushing on guest list for sharing with local podcast so we can get our message out, keep our groups relevant and reach new audiences

Consider partners conducting Mentor Trivia - AZGFD piloted first event, but might not be where this program resides - discuss with Steering Committee and OSN

Send new OSN / FAN Rack cards to everyone for selecting the one they like best, and print and distribute

Everyone, keep seeking out new partners to get involved in our efforts.

Send all info on how to become a hunter education volunteer / instructor

Develop "Who is OSN / FAN & R3" informational 1-sheet for participants - consider as flyer on Event Manager for all events (not just free camps)

Respectfully, but completely exhausted and in awe - thank you everyone. For those that couldn't make it. We missed you.




OFFICE: 623.236.7487

EMAIL: dburt@azgfd.gov

azgfd.gov | 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086

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