'Long May She Wave'
She's a beauty, a true Miss America: our American flag. Over the years she has received many tributes, many salutes, and many dedicated to serving her. Sadly, she has also received threats, angry demonstrations, hate speech, and disrespect.
I wonder today how those in the latter group would feel if they were simply asked to leave, were stripped of the advantages of belonging to this nation. Would they embrace a new residence/citizenship in a country that denies them the basic rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution as symbolized by this flag? I wonder.
Even though our current border problems are significant, those seeking legal immigration know the answer to that question.
We at Western Outdoor Times are honored to pledge allegiance to this flag: "Long may she wave".
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Reader Comments(1)
TimR writes:
Excellent Cover!
10/30/2023, 11:08 am