Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Great Gifts For Hunters

I Suggest These Great Gifts For Hunters

Spring draw results just came out, and a lot of hunting seasons are in full swing right now, so a gift for a hunter would be very much appreciated! Here are some ideas for gifts that will totally make their day!

Turkey Decoys

Did your hunter draw a spring turkey tag? Montana Decoy Co. has lightweight turkey decoys that fold down to the size of a dinner plate! They've got hens, Jakes, and even Toms! Get a couple of hens and a box call and your spring turkey hunter will be sitting pretty! Find the decoys at http://www.montanadecoy.com and get an easy to use Primos Early Bird Turkey box call at http://www.sportsmans.com for just under $30.

A Comfy, Portable Seat

When Margie and I are hunting Coues, a comfortable cushion is a must, but it has to be light and portable. You spend most of the time sitting and glassing, and those mountainsides can get harder as the day goes on! Hunter's Specialties has one that has an elastic strap so you can easily access it sitting or walking, and it's water resistant and easy to inflate and deflate. Best of all, it only weighs half a pound! Get one for under $13 at http://www.hunterspec.com.

Swagger Bipods

These are a bit of a splurge, but they are fabulous bipods that let you swing from right to left to get the shot without repositioning the feet of the bipods. They also have shooting sticks and bipods to attach to the gun. So weather you want hunting, shooting, or tactical bipods you will never regret getting these. Check them all out at http://www.swaggerbipods.com.

Night Runner 270 Shoe Lights

You might think these are a bit weird, but trust me, these are awesome for hunting. We usually start hiking well before dawn so we're in place before the sun rises, and hiking in the dark can be quite the adventure. These lights slip onto the laces of your boots and light the ground in front of you so you don't step into a hole or over a big drop. Keeps your hands free too for a walking stick. I found them on Amazon for under $60, and they're waterproof and rechargeable. Awesome.

Ham Radio Prep

Margie recently got her ham radio license and the way she did it was studying with an app called Ham Radio Prep. She actually passed the Technician test and went back and passed the General as well, and so did our son David. The app has short video lessons that make everything clear, plus they're very concise but still cover everything that could be on the test. A ham radio license makes it possible to talk all over the world, and even with just a Technician license you can get on repeaters that are linked all over the state and talk to people almost anywhere in AZ. She is loving it, and it gives us peace of mind knowing we can get hold of David if we need help when we're out in the boonies. Check them out at https://hamradioprep.com. The Technician license course is just $35, and the Technician + General is $55.

Binocular Harness Strap

As a hunter myself, I can tell you that having your binoculars flopping around banging you on the chest is really annoying. Yet you want them out where you can use them quickly. The solution is a binocular harness strap that keeps them close to your chest until you pull them up. Brilliant! I found one on Amazon that holds your rangefinder too, so it's twice as fabulous. It's called the Auscamotek Binoculars Harness with Rangefinder Case, and it's less than $30. It's camo, it's quiet, and it's cheap.

Highwild Game Hanging Gambrel And Hoist Kit

For a little over $25, you can get this hoist on Amazon that will enable a hunter to single-handedly raise up to a 700 pound animal for easy processing in the field. It includes 44 feet of rope and it fold up for easy storage.


Hunting is thirsty work – there's a lot of hiking and climbing involved, and water is heavy! However, even in the desert a savvy hunter with a good map can find all kinds of water sources, but you sure as heck wouldn't want to drink out of them! However, with a LifeStraw you actually can drink out of a cattle tank, a stream, a spring, or anything else. LifeStraw filers out bacteria, parasites, microplastics, dirt, sand, and cloudiness. Best of all, it's only $20. Check them out at http://www.lifestraw.com.


Nothing, I repeat, nothing is worse than damp, cold, or sore feet on a hunting trip. That's why I never scrimp on boots or socks. Good socks protect your feet from blisters, wick away moisture, and keep your feet warm while you're sitting on a hillside glassing for hours on end. The best ones I've found are Carhartt wool blend socks. They've got a variety of thicknesses and heights to choose from and they last a long time. They're not cheap, but they're the best, and they're made in the USA. Check them all out at http://www.carhartt.com.

Gift Card

Don't fall for the trap of thinking that a gift card is a cop out. It isn't. I don't know a single hunter who doesn't love getting a gift card to Cabelas, Bass Pro, or Sportsman's Warehouse! If you feel lame just putting a gift card in an envelope, then get a small gift and attach the card to it. A map of their favorite hunting area would work. Or you can get creative and make a little emergency kit out of Altoids tin. Put a couple of Bandaids, a small spool of wire, a couple of fish hooks, a package of aspirin or Advil – you get the idea! Small enough to fit in a pocket, and handy! Need ideas? Check out http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com and enter "emergency kit" in the search bar!

Merry Christmas to you and your hunter!


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