Jump In The 'Pool' For Population Management Hunts
AZGFD aims to meet elk objectives.
The Arizona Game And Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking to bolster its pool of hunters who apply to be randomly selected throughout the year for specific population management hunts.
Population management hunts enhance the department's ability to meet population and habitat management objectives when traditional harvest strategies are not meeting these objectives. At this time, a population management hunt for any elk is planned for February in portions of Game Management Unit 28, near Safford, Ariz. The date for this hunt is pending at press time.
Only those hunters who have submitted a Hunter Pool Application for population management hunts will have a chance to be drawn. Applicants should note that if they choose to participate in a population management hunt, and fill their annual bag limit for that species, they cannot take part in a general season for that species even if selected through the standard draw process. A successful hunter is still eligible to purchase a bonus point for elk in the upcoming general draw, however.
AZGFD encourages all interested hunters to complete a "Hunter Pool Application, which can be found - along with detailed information about population management hunts - on Page 51 of the "2023-2024 Arizona Hunting Regulations."
Applicants should mail their completed application and nonrefundable application fee of $13 for residents, or $15 for nonresidents (do not send cash), to Arizona Game And Fish Department, Attn .: Drawer FAB, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, Ariz., 85086-5000.
A few points about population management hunts:
• AZGFD will purge the Hunter Pool Application list Dec. 31 each year. An application may be submitted at any time during the year (do not include the Hunter Pool Application with a hunt permit-tag application. Each application must be sent separately.).
• If selected during a random drawing for a population management hunt, the department will attempt to contact the applicant within a 24-hour period. If that applicant cannot be contacted, their application will be returned to the pool for inclusion in future population management hunts that year.
• If a successful applicant agrees to participate in a population management hunt, it is likely that person will be asked to arrive in the field to hunt within a few days of being contacted. The purchase of a restricted non-permit-tag and applicable hunting license prior to hunting is required.
• An applicant will not gain or lose bonus points when applying for, or participating in, a population management hunt.
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