Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Fishing Challenges Offered By AZGFD

Ready To Catch A Little Fame And Glory?

Whether you're new to angling or a seasoned pro, the fishing challenges provide opportunities to pursue and catch your "big fish" and have it posted on our website. Find your challenge, see how to enter, and explore the official rules.

Fishing Challenges Offered By AZGFD

Bass Anglers: The Arizona Hawg Bass Challenge

Arizona is home to great largemouth bass fishing! The Arizona Game And Fish Department works to provide great opportunities for anglers to catch huge largemouth bass all over the state.

To complete this challenge, catch an 5 pound or 21 inch or larger largemouth bass. Verify your big fish by taking a picture while weighing or measuring it following the rules and guidelines listed. Release your fish quickly (immediately after weighing or measuring) back into the lake where you caught it.

Submit your picture via BFishing@azgfd.gov. Make sure you include a valid email address so that you can be contacted. A Department biologist will contact you to discuss all the great details of your catch.

Catfish Chasers: Our Arizona Fat Cat Challenge

Arizona is home to fantastic large flathead and channel catfish fishing! The Arizona Game And Fish Department works to provide great opportunities for anglers to catch huge flathead and channel catfish (catfish) all over Arizona.

Arizona is home to fantastic large flathead and channel catfish fishing! The Arizona Game And Fish Department works to provide great opportunities for anglers to catch huge flathead and channel catfish all over Arizona.

Arizona Fat Cat Challenge is an incentive-based conservation program designed to encourage anglers to learn about and pursue prize sized flathead and channel catfish while encouraging catch-and-release on individual fish that exceed the designated weight or length.

Catch a 40 pound or larger flathead catfish or a 15 pound or larger channel catfish. Verify your catch by taking a picture of the fish while being weighed or measured following the rules and guidelines listed. Release your fish quickly (immediately after weighing and measuring) back into the lake or river where you caught it. Submit your picture via BFishing@azgfd.gov. Make sure you include a valid email address so that you can be contacted. A Department biologist will contact you to discuss all the great details of your catch and get your information to send you an AZ Fat Cat Challenge fishing shirt and decal for your truck or boat to celebrate your catch.

Trout Anglers: Arizona Trout Challenge

Arizona's Trout Challenge Program was developed to encourage anglers to learn more about fishing opportunities in the state. Arizona Game And Fish Department manages many waters statewide to provide anglers the opportunity to catch several different species of trout, including two found only in the Southwest, Gila Trout and Apache Trout.

Arizona's Trout Challenge Program was developed to encourage anglers to learn more about fishing opportunities in the state. Arizona Game And Fish Department manages many waters statewide to provide anglers the opportunity to catch several different species of trout, including two found only in the Southwest, Gila Trout and Apache Trout.

There are two ways to complete the challenge: 1) Catch all five species of wild trout in Arizona. These species include Apache, Brown, Brook, Gila and Rainbow trout. Note:*Anglers who completed the wild trout challenge without a Gila Trout while the Gila Trout requirement was suspended may submit a photo of a wild Gila Trout they catch for verification along with the stream it was caught at, date caught, and gear type used (fly or lure) to the email or mailing address listed below. You do not need to resubmit the full application. After the Gila Trout is verified it will be added to your certificate and a new wild trout challenge certificate will be issued. 2) Catch at least six of the eight total species in Arizona (including hatchery-raised trout): Gila, Apache, Brown, Brook, Rainbow, Grayling, Cutthroat, and Tiger trout.


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