Let's Go Camping!
Cool, clear air. Sparkling stars on velvet sky. Heady fragrance of pine. Soft breeze. Gentle stream songs. Delicious aromas of brewing coffee, of sizzling bacon. Silence. Peace. Refreshment.
These are some of the descriptors I could use as I remember my days of camping in Washington State and in Alberta, Canada. Mind you, I could also say "cold", "freezing", "chilling", but those would apply to late-season camping in the Northwest. Not here in the Southwest.
In fact, generally that is one of the great advantages of living here: being able to camp all year long. We are fortunate also to have a variety of venues: by lakes, rivers, and streams; by meadows and mountains, and by warm campsites. Thanks often go to Arizona State Parks, Maricopa County Parks, the National Park Service, and others for maintaining wonderful destinations for us to enjoy outdoors.
However, now that I've waxed poetic, it's time for practical. Just ask the Anderson's who have provided a thorough resource for all campers, beginning or experienced in this issue. Read on. Enjoy. And, see you soon at a "campsite near you".
BOATING - Be careful when docking, rafting, anchoring
TACKLE & TARGET - Wildlife rules in review.
LAND CRUISING - Cool in a campsite.
WESTERN WILDLIFE - Mountain lion relocated.
Don't Miss These
BOGO, Maricopa County Parks Offers Twofer.
BEAT THE HEAT, Arizona's State Parks has many opportunities.
GO FISH!, Margie Anderson suggests some "trouting" tips.
Important Dates
HBD, Misha and Kelsee: Aug. 4, 6
Labor Day: Sept. 2
Grandparents' Day: Sept. 8
Patriot Day: Sept. Sept. 11
First Day of Autumn: Sept. 22
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