Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

On The Cover November 2024

Taking Flight

'Snowbirds' Return To Whitewater

A Sign Of The Seasons

First, the sandhill cranes begin their journey, reminding us by their annual migration that summer is waning. Next, Mother Nature is ready to step in with wonderful weather in the Southwest, weather that welcomes great hunting and fishing opportunities.

Then, soon after the autumn activities, thoughts turn to anticipation of holiday events such as the lighted boat parades in Arizona and California and, locally, to families and friends making plans to cut their own Christmas trees.

Time flies by quickly during this season and soon we will be welcoming a new year. And, on an editorial thought, my wish is that our country will heal and regain its strength after November 5.


DOWNSTREAM (pg2) - Let's do November.

BOATING (pg4) - Loaned life jackets save lives.

TACKLE & TARGET (pg9) - Havasu has great fishing.

LAND CRUISING (pg12) - Cut your own Christmas tree.

WESTERN WILDLIFE (pg18) - Condors Fly

Don't Miss These

Lest We Forget - Wear a poppy on November 11.

On Board For Christmas - Lighted Boat Parades Planned.

Under The Lights - Ben Avery offers after-hours shooting.

Important Dates

Daylight Savings Time Ends: Nov. 3 - Does anyone care? Click Here To Let Us Know Your Opinion

Election Day: November 5 Most Important One Ever - Please Vote


Mark Twain (Samuel Clemons) used irony and humor to throw jabs at politicians and bureaucrats. In today's world those tools seem sadly inappropriate. Bumbling, greed and inefficiency have been replaced by threatening our republic, lying, cheating, stealing, murder and just plain evil. - Jim Allen

Freedom is highly underrated by some and, will be sorely missed by all.

Our Job is not to convince those who "don't know" to change their minds. Our job is to convince those who "do know" to work harder to save our country, and all of the country's that rely on us, to maintain peace in the world. You know in which category you are. - Jim Allen

Veterans Day: November 11 - Wear a Poppy!

Tom Cole Marine Retired, Western Outdoor Times Special Features Writer

More stories about our veterans are available at Western Outdoor Times - Veterans In The News.

Thanksgiving Day: Nov. 28


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