Fishing Updates, Cautions From AZGFD
Summary Of Fishing Regulations Changes For 2025-26
Below is a list of changes published in the 2025 and 2026 Fishing Regulations:
• The special regulations and seasons section is now organized by Arizona Game And Fish Department regions to make it easier for anglers to know which office to contact for additional information.
• New regulation to create unlimited daily and possession limits for illegally introduced warmwater fish species at Becker Lake. Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single-pointed barbless hooks only. Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish. General statewide regulations apply to all other fish species.
• New regulation to close KP Creek (Greenlee County) to angling to protect Gila trout.
• New regulation to open Bear Wallow Creek, Hayground Creek and Stinky Creek to angling. Regulation is closed to fishing from Jan. 1 to April 30. Catch-and-release only for trout; trout must be immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single-pointed barbless hooks only from May 1 to Dec. 31.
• New regulation for Lake Pleasant and Apache, Canyon, Saguaro lakes of a 15 crappie per day bag limit.
• Continue revised regulations for Cluff Ranch Pond 3 of catch and release only for all fish species (excluding rainbow trout) from Jan. 1, 2025, through May 31, 2026. Thereafter, statewide daily bag and possession limits would apply (except a four catfish in any combination daily bag limit special regulation).
The new 2025-26 Fishing Regulations are anticipated to be posted online and hard copies available at department offices and license dealers by the end of this month.
Discovery Of Golden Mussels In California: A Reminder To Protect Arizona's Waters
Invasive golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei) were discovered in the California Delta region, including the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and surrounding water projects, in October 2024. This the first discovery of this invasive mussel species in North America.
To prevent golden mussels from reaching Arizona, boaters and anglers are encouraged to clean, drain, and dry their watercraft before launching in ANY Arizona waterbody. Golden mussels have similar impacts as quagga mussels, but can survive in locations that typically quagga mussels cannot.
Please contact the AZGFD Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program at 623-236-7608 if you have any questions or would like to schedule an inspection. For information on the golden mussel detections in California, visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website.
For more information on aquatic invasive species in Arizona, including links to Director's Order #1 (list of aquatic invasive species of Arizona), Director's Order #2 (list of AIS-affected waters in Arizona), and Director's Order #3 (mandatory conditions for movement of watercraft, conveyances and equipment from affected waters), visit
In addition to the general AIS decontamination requirements and protocols described above, anglers should take note of the New Zealand Mudsnail Decontamination Options and Angling Recommendations.
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