Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

On The Cover March 2025 Western Outdoor Times

It's All About Fish

Please Note - Articles and information will be added throughout the month. We welcome readers input on each article. Thank you. - Publisher

It's All About Fish

As the weather warms, a young man's (and woman's) fancy turns to thoughts of - fish. And, although there are many fantastic angling destinations in Arizona, Margie Anderson says to keep in mind the community waters that make fishing possible in waters near you. For some, this is the first opportunity to enjoy casting a line and a good chance to teach little ones the joy of catching. It's handy too that you will not have to drive for miles to enjoy the sport.

Also, at the end of the month, Arizona Game and Fish lure kids to their fishing pond at the March Expo. A family friendly event, the Expo has something for everyone from, obviously, fishing, plus archery, wildlife meetings, paddling, shooting, and so much more. This free event is one of the favorites for outdoors lovers; one can learn a great deal while enjoying a day filled with exhibits and activities.

One more favorite we have mentioned in past issues is the Arizona Renaissance Festival which fills March weekends with fun and frivolity. Our friend Jeff visited Fairhaven for the first time and wrote us a glowing report that we have included in this issue. Thank you, Jeff.

Now, together we spring into one of the best seasons in Arizona to embrace the outdoors.


DOWNSTREAM (pg2) - Gone fishing!

BOATING (pg4) - These captains are heroes.

TACKLE & TARGET (pg9) - At a lake near you: fish!

LAND CRUISING (pg12) - For his first time, Jeff visits the Ren Faire.

WESTERN WILDLIFE (pg17) Learn about many at the AZGFD Expo.


Got Fish? - Yes, Many Close To Home

Welcome Home - It's been 50 years.

Keep Wildlife Wild - Don't feed; don't approach.

Hurry Up And Wait - Long lines, full parking lots are realities at GCNP



Ash Wednesday: March 5

International Women's Day: March 8

Daylight Savings Time Begins: March 9

St. Patrick's Day: March 17

Spring Begins: March 20

April Fools' Day: April 1


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