Walk On TheWild Side
Willcox Playa Wildlife Area is best known for its wintering population of sandhill cranes that annually migrate to the playa in large numbers.
It's not unusual to see several thousands of the winter visitors from the viewing area at the power-plant ponds, located on the southwest side of the playa, or at the Arizona Game And Fish Department's 600-acre wildlife area on the southeast side. The cranes feed and court, but will begin their migration to their summer breeding grounds in the northern Great Plains in February.
The best opportunity for birdwatchers is from mid-October through March, when more than 15 species of birds of prey may also be found here. It's also possible to spot a mule deer, javelina, coati, badger, jackrabbit, skunk, fox, bobcat, coyote, or raccoon.
Directions: From Willcox, drive east on State Route 186 for six miles, turn south on Kansas Settlement Road for four miles to the wildlife area.
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